Tuesday, July 7, 2009

What I Have Learned Thus Far

These are some tuff times for all of us. But one thing I know to be true - I serve a good and mighty God and He is going to take care of you and me. I mean afterall, how many times have we all heard, "He may not show up when we want Him but He will always show up on time"?

There is much that I have learned from this experience in a dry place. Actually what appears to be dry really isn't in the spirit. God has taught me about appreciation of the small things and how not to sweat the stupid stuff. God has taught me that He is soveriegn and the God of ALL things...not some things but ALL things (read the Book of Job KJV). I have truly learned that one important issue: trust God and trust that what He says in His word is true....He will never leave us or forsake us and He will supply all of our needs according to His riches in glory!

Through this experience I have learned humility and how I must rid myself of pridefulness as soon as it tries to rear its ugly head. I am a child of the most high God: Therefore, I am more than a conquerer, I am an overcomer.

I have the need right now to express to somebody that the Lord Jesus Christ is my everything. I walk this walk carrying my cross but the Lord never gives us a load that is too hard for us to carry. It is my supreme desire that someone that is watching to see how I will get through this perceived dry place will be encouraged and find hope that Jesus will always be there to lift up, to strengthen, to heal and provide for. Praise God!

I am so completly loved and I really did need to know how much I am cared for by the people around me. I have been pushed to really see, feel and understand all of the love that is around and through me. None of us walk this road of life alone and I am really beginning to appreciate this sense of COMMUNITY that is developing during these "terrible and last days". I appreciate the help that people have gone out of their way to give to me personally and to the struggle collectively. Every dime, every word of encouragement, every gesture of good will is so greatly appreciated that I can not put it into words yet.

People are basically good and will rally when someone is in desperate need. If I some how forgot or never knew this then I ask the Lord to forgive me for my selfishness and my arrogance right now. I have much to write in regard to this experience. I have grown closer to the Lord and I know within my heart that somebody needs to know the Risen Lord as I speak it through this experience.

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