Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Just stop it right now!

Wishing for it ain't gonna make it happen. Wishing for peace ain't gonna make it so. If you choose to have peace in your home, on your job or in your relationships, you can. Jesus promised that you would have peace in the midst of the storm. When you feel yourself getting upset you can choose to calm down. (It is widely advised that you calm down before your mouth gets you in trouble....take it from some one who knows!!) These are not my words but the words of my friend, Joyce Meyer. Jesus commanded us to stop allowing mess to continue. All too often we as Saints allow mess to enter in and sit down in our lives. It knocks on the door like an old friend and we have the nerve to invite that mess in to have dinner and sleep over! I have gotten to this point in my life that I am going to refuse to live in worry (mess). I refuse to live in fear (more mess). I refuse to have anxiety as my best friend. The promises of our Lord Jesus Christ are for me, too. His promise of joy and peace is for us ALL because He really is no respecter of persons! I am God's child and He is going to take care of me! I am a tither and a giver and I have the promised righteousness, the promised peace and joy in the Holy Ghost.

And about worry that is fear's ugly lil' sista...worry is the fear that we won't get what we want, when we want it, plain and simple. You know that God's got your back but you still worry because you have a fear of disapointment. Last Sunday, Saints in every church across the country were worried about something. Some Saints are worried about money and when their tithing and or offering check is going to hit the bank. Others may be worried about what they are going to face on Monday morning on their jobs...will they even have a job come Tuesday? Some Saints are worried about that promotion that God promised and they are wondering if it is ever going to happen. We have the power to change our thinking...right now if we choose to. We gotta know who we are in Christ and we need to continually remind ourselves Whose we are and how God sees us. I used to live my life with the clear feeling in my gutt that the other shoe was going to drop at any second. Some of it had to do with the fact that as growing up I never knew when I was going to be yelled at or criticized or even ridiculed. I lived with an anxiety that dictated my every move. God Almighty delivered me from that, Amen! God gave me the grace to do what I have to do. I don't care what happens in the world, God is going to take care of me. I am a chosen and peculiar individual with a robe of righteousness. We must....I say must... put on the whole armor of God and confront the devil with the true Word of God everytime he tries to raise his ugly head. We must continue to pray for each other and we must continue to pray for more grace, more grace and more grace to get us through these strange and evil last days. Every morning I ask, "Jesus, what can I do for YOU today?" And for my dear friend, DW, the only thing stopping you today is you.

Debi Mason - Speaking Boldly As I Ought To Speak

Spoken Word Ministries, Oakland, California, USA

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